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How can we help you?

We are a Czech accounting and consulting company. Thanks to our services built on more than 20 years of experience, our clients can free themselves from the administrative burden of running their companies and concentrate fully on their business.

V závislosti na Vašich potřebách můžete využívat i naše další služby, ať už jednorázově, nebo jako součást Vašeho měsíčního paušálu. Díky vzájemné kombinaci služeb jsme schopni Vám poskytovat komplexní servis na klíč v oblasti ekonomického a administrativního řízení Vaší firmy.


Depending on your needs, you can also use our other services, either as a one-off or as part of your monthly package. Thanks to the combination of services we are able to provide you with a comprehensive turnkey service in the field of economic and administrative management of your company.

Comprehensive service for your business


We provide comprehensive services ranging from processing and bookkeeping for domestic and foreign individuals and legal entities, payroll and personnel management of employers to tax, accounting and economic consulting in all areas of the economic operation of legal and natural persons.

Accounting advisory

Tax returns


Ready to start a conversation?

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